Disaster Risk Reduction



The participants will learn the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through
systematically analyzing and managing the causal factors of disasters.


1. Introduction to Disaster Cycle Management
2. Basic Disaster Management Terms And Concepts
3. Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) Framework
4. Introduction to Hazard, Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment
5. Strategies for Disaster Preparedness and Early Warning
6. Synergies btw Emergency Intervention and Sustainable
7. The Link btw Vulnerability and Hazards
8. Introduction to Community Participatory Tools & Techniques
9. Organizing and Conducting a Participatory Risk Assessment
10. Planning DRR Strategies Appropriate to the Context
11. Monitoring and Evaluating the Impact Of DRR Strategies
12. How to Incorporate DRR into Various Humanitarian Sectors


The course examines reducing exposure to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and
property, wisely managing land and the environment, or improving preparedness for adverse events.



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